Spay Neuter Network is hosting a free vaccine clinic for dogs and cats on December 9th from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Dallas Animal Services (1818 North Westmoreland Road).
December 9
8am – 11am
Dallas Animal Services
1818 N Westmoreland Rd, Dallas, TX 75212
Free Parvo/Distemper vaccines for dogs and FVRCP vaccines for cats this day only! Additional
vaccines, flea and heartworm prevention and more are also available at low prices.
¡Vacunas gratuitas contra Parvo/Moquillo para perros, vacunas contra FVRCP para gatos!
Vacunas adicionales, prevención de pulgas y gusanos del corazón y más también disponibles a
precios bajos.
For spay/neuter appointments
or call 972.472.3500
Llame al 972-472-3500 o visite spayneuternet.org para obtener más información y programar
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